Chantell Blog

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tetanus vaccination
tetanus vaccination

Tetanus (Lockjaw) vaccine info for parents, public, and healthcare professionals
From the Immunization Action Coalition Vaccine Information for the public and health professionals
This immunization protects against tetanus (lockjaw), a disease caused by bacteria found in soil. Tetanus is characterized by muscle stiffness and spasm or "locking" of muscles of
tetanus vaccination Severe tetanus. Severe cases will require admission to intensive care. In addition to the measures listed above for mild tetanus:
Alternative Names Return to top. Vaccine - tetanus; Immunization - tetanus. Definition Return to top. The tetanus vaccine is a type of immunization that protects
Tetanus. The next vaccine in this group is Tetanus. Tetanus occurs when a wound is not properly cleaned and the germ is trapped in the wound and cut off from oxygen
Tetanus - vaccine - Overview, The tetanus vaccine is a type of immunization that protects against tetanus (lockjaw).
Websites, information on dangers of vaccine, vaccination, immunization. Educate yourself to make an informed choice
Get the facts on tetanus causes (Clostridium tetani bacterial infection), symptoms and signs (lockjaw), diagnosis, vaccination (DTaP) side effects, booster and treatment.

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